Welcome to Software Carpentry at Northwestern!
Details, Agenda, Setup:
If "nano" on Windows does not work, please try "notepad" instead.

Per a GitHub issue comment this evening (https://github.com/swcarpentry/windows-installer/issues/31#issuecomment-133596799)this may also work:
    winpyt nano

We will start with Unix...
create a folder on the Desktop called "shell-novice"

Day One: Morning Topics
Introducing the Shell:  http://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/00-intro.html
Files and Directories: http://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/01-filedir.html
Creating Things:  http://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/02-create.html
Pipes and Filters:  http://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/03-pipefilter.html
Loops:  http://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/04-loop.html
Shell Scripts:  http://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/05-script.html
Finding Things:  http://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/06-find.html

Try these unix command:
   pwd                                 # prints current directory
   cd                                    # without arguments goes back to "home" directory
   cd Desktop                      # changes into directory 'Desktop' 
   ls                                     # "list" files and directories
mass <- 47.5
age <- 122
mass <- mass * 2.3
age <- age - 20

Day One Afternoon:
Session repo/site:                  http://swc-nw.github.io/r-novice-gapminder/

Day Two Morning:
Session repo/site:                     http://swc-nw.github.io/git-novice/


1. open git-bash
2. in your home directory type 
echo "winpty nano   $1" >  .swc/lib/nano/nanofix
chmod +x .swc/lib/nano/nanofix

Now nanofix is the editor

Create an account on https://github.com/. If you use your .edu address, you get more free private repos, so be sure to use your Northwestern email address.

Day Two Afternoon:
Session repo/site:                  http://swc-nw.github.io/r-novice-gapminder/

Gapminder Site:            http://www.gapminder.org/
Gapminder Package:    http://cran.rstudio.com/package=gapminder

If you cannot install the gapminder package, you can also read the dataset directly with the following R command:
gapminder <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/swc-nw/r-novice-gapminder/gh-pages/data/gapminder-FiveYearData.csv") 

data.frame(.....,  stringsAsFactors=FALSE)      # suppresses factor creation

help(formula)      # help on formula notation for lm() and other functions

Matlab/R reference :  http://www.math.umaine.edu/~hiebeler/comp/matlabR.pdf

"Capstone"   https://github.com/swc-nw/r-capstone