Version 0.3.9 (2024-06-21)

  • Condition two tests to not run on arm64 (Dirk in #129 fixing #128)

Version 0.3.8 (2024-06-19)

  • Time format documentation now has a reference to RcppCCTZ

  • The package no longer sets a default C++ compilation standard of C++11 (Dirk initially in #114, and later switched to C++17)

  • New accurate parameter for conversion from POSIXct to nanotime (Davor Josipovic and Leonardo in #116 closing #115)

  • The as.Date() function is now vectorized and can take a TZ argument (Leonardo and Dirk in #119 closing #118)

  • Use of internal function SET_S4_OBJECT has been replaced by API function Rf_asS4 (Leonardo in #121 closing #120)

  • An nanoduration / nanoduration expression now returns a double (Leonardo in #122 closing #117)

  • Bitfield calculations no longer require an Windows-only compiler switch (Leonardo in #124)

  • A simple manual page format nag involving has been addressed (Dirk in #126 fixing #125)

  • An set of tests tickling an UBSAN issue via Rcpp code no longer run unless CI is set (Dirk in #127 fixing #123)

Version 0.3.7 (2022-10-23)

  • Update mkdocs for material docs generator (Dirk in #102)

  • Use inherits() instead comparing to class() (Trevor Davis in #104)

  • Set default arguments in nanoduration() (Trevor Davis in #105)

  • Add as.nanoduration.difftime() support (Trevor Davis in #106)

  • Add +/- methods for nanotime and difftime objects (Trevor Davis in #110 closing #108, #107)

Version 0.3.6 (2022-03-06)

  • Fix incorrect subsetting with operator %in% (Leonardo in #100 fixing #99).

  • Fix incorrect parsing for negative nanoperiod (Leonardo in #100 fixing #96).

  • Test for class via inherits() (Dirk).

Version 0.3.5 (2021-12-14)

  • Applied patch by Tomas Kalibera for Windows UCRT under the upcoming R 4.2.0 expected for April.

Version 0.3.4 (2021-11-24)

  • Added a few more as.character conversion function (Dirk)

  • Expose nanoperiod functionality via header file for use by other packages (Leonardo in #95 fixing #94).

Version 0.3.3 (2021-08-09)

  • New demo ggplot2Example.R (Leonardo and Dirk).

  • New documentation website using mkdocs-material (Dirk).

  • Updated unit test to account for r-devel POSIXct changes, and re-enable full testing under r-devel (Dirk).

  • Additional nanoduration and character ops plus tests (Colin Umansky in #88 addressing #87).

  • New plus and minus functions for periods (Leonardo in #91).

Version 0.3.2 (2020-09-03)

  • Correct for big endian (Elliott Sales de Andrade in #81).

  • Use the RcppCCTZ_API.h header (Dirk in #82).

  • Conditionally reduce test coverage (Dirk in #83).

Version 0.3.1 (2020-08-09)

  • Several small cleanups to ensure a more robust compilation (Leonardo and Dirk in #75 fixing #74).

  • Show Solaris some extra love by skipping tests and examples with a timezone (Dirk in #76).

Version 0.3.0 (2020-08-06)

  • Use tzstr= instead of tz= in call to RcppCCTZ::parseDouble()) (Matt Dowle in #49).

  • Add new comparison operators for nanotime and charcters (Dirk in #54 fixing #52).

  • Switch from RUnit to tinytest (Dirk in #55)

  • Substantial functionality extension in with new types nanoduration, nanoival and nanoperiod (Leonardo in #58, #60, #62, #63, #65, #67, #70 fixing #47, #51, #57, #61, #64 with assistance from Dirk).

  • A new (yet still draft-ish) vignette was added describing the four core types (Leonardo and Dirk in #71).

  • A required compilation flag for Windows was added (Leonardo in #72).

  • RcppCCTZ function are called in new 'non-throwing' variants to not trigger exeception errors (Leonardo in #73).

Version 0.2.4 (2019-05-25)

  • Define [[ method (Dirk in #45 fixing #44).

Version 0.2.3 (2018-09-30)

  • Skip some tests on Solaris which seems borked with timezones. As we have no real access, no real fix possible (Dirk in #42).

  • Update Travis setup

Version 0.2.2 (2018-07-18)

  • Unit tests depending on future xts behaviour remain disabled (Dirk in #41).

Version 0.2.1 (2018-07-01)

  • Added attribute-preserving comparison (Leonardo in #33).

  • Added two integer64 casts in constructors (Dirk in #36).

  • Added two checks for empty arguments (Dirk in #37).

Version 0.2.0 (2017-06-22)

  • Rewritten in S4 to provide more robust operations (#17 by Leonardo)

  • Ensure tz="" is treated as unset (Leonardo in #20)

  • Added format and tz arguments to nanotime, format, print (#22 by Leonardo and Dirk)

  • Ensure printing respect options()$max.print, ensure names are kept with vector (#23 by Leonardo)

  • Correct summary() by defining names<- (Leonardo in #25 fixing #24)

  • Report error on operations that are meaningful for type; handled NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf correctly (Leonardo in #27 fixing #26)

Version 0.1.2 (2017-03-27)

  • The as.integer64 function is now exported as well.

Version 0.1.1 (2017-02-04)

  • The default display format now always shows nine digits (#10 closing #9)

  • The default print method was updated to use formated output, and a new new converter as.integer64 was added

  • Several 'Ops' method are now explicitly defined allowing casting of results (rather than falling back on bit64 behaviour)

  • The format routine is now more careful about not loosing precision (#13 closing #12)

Version 0.1.0 (2017-01-10)

  • Added Windows support thanks to expanded RcppCCTZ (closes #6)

  • Added "mocked up" demo with nanosecond delay networking analysis

  • Added 'fmt' and 'tz' options to output functions, expanded format.nanotime (closing #2 and #3)

  • Added data.frame support

  • Expanded tests

Version 0.0.1 (2016-12-15)

  • Initial CRAN upload.

  • Package is functional and provides examples.